Here you will find a blend of old fashioned doctoring with the most comprehensive system in Integrative Health Care, Applied Kinesiology or AK. Applied Kinesiology, as founded by Dr. George Goodheart, is the most comprehensive system in integrative health care as it incorporates under its umbrella the many branches of holistic healthcare including chiropractic, cranial sacral therapy, clinical nutrition, acupuncture, myofascial therapies, herbal medicine, homeopathy, and more.
When diagnosing and treating patients Dr. Brown incorporates the AK triad of health. The triad is represented as an equilateral triangle with structural health being its base (bones, muscles), and the upright sides representing chemical (nutrition, toxins) and mental (emotional) health. When a person experiences poor health, there is an imbalance in one or more of these factors. Through the use of manual muscle testing as a neurological diagnostic tool, Dr. Brown is able to determine not only what the problem is, but also what therapy or combination of therapies he provides will be most beneficial.